5 Simple Day to Night Makeup Tips – The Uplift News

5 Simple Day to Night Makeup Tips

With blurring boundaries between work and personal life, it gets challenging to manage time and get ready when you have a night out planned right after work. A work-appropriate look is, well, only appropriate for work. Evenings out call for a fun, casual, and glamorous look. But how can you transition from a daytime look to an evening look without much hassle? We have some tips.

  1. Define the lips
    A plain, simple nude or pastel lipstick works great for meetings and office hours, but when it’s time to let your hair down and get a drink with your girlfriends, you gotta add some more color to your lips (and the night!). Keep a dark, suited-for-evenings lipstick that you can apply as you leave work for your fun night out. It doesn’t always have to be red; a dark plum, brown, or a sparkly gloss can be an excellent choice to transition from a daytime look to a dinner night with the girls.
  2. Them cheekbones
    Turning those rosy or tanned cheekbones into highlighted palettes can be a game changer for you. You can also highlight the nose, chin, forehead, and the cupid’s bow to add that oomph. Remember not to add tons of glitter. Just some shimmer will reflect the light off it and make it glisten. This makeup tip to transition from office to a date night look adds a glow to your face and shows some definition and structure.
  3. Make the eyeshadow grab attention
    Turning pastel eyeshadow into something deeper and darker is a trick that can never go wrong. That said, keep the makeup either eye heavy or lip heavy. Do not overdo both, or it may be too much. You can also add a little shimmery eyeshadow to make your eyes grab attention. Adding highlights to the inner corners of the eyes works well too! See what suits your face best and go with that. You can flaunt a smokey eye or even glittery eyes to add some character to your style.
  4. Add some lashes
    When going heavy with the eyes, you can always add some extra lashes. They add volume to your natural lashes and also some glam. Keep eyeliner or a kohl pencil handy to deepen the lines if needed. Defining the eyes is a makeup tip that can make all the difference when transitioning from an office look to flaunt your flirty side for a date night.
  5. Darken the blush
    Keeping the face simple and natural while heading to work? Great! Now that you’re off the work clock, how about we add some more color to those cheeks? Darkening your blush may be just the makeup tip to perfectly transition from a daytime look to a date night one. Flaunt those cheekbones with warm colors that match your personality, and voila! You’re ready for a fun evening. Plums, deep pinks, and mauve are some colors to consider. Ensure that you choose the right color to match your skin reflection, or it may look a little out of place.

Dorothy Boyd

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