Hep C_Signs and Symptoms of Hep C – The Uplift News

Hep C_Signs and Symptoms of Hep C

Hepatitis C or Hep C or HCV is a disease that can lead to serious damage to the liver. Caused by a virus named Hep C, this condition is passed from an infected to a healthy person through the blood or other bodily fluids. There are different forms of HCV; however, the most common type is Type 1 in the country. Continue reading to know the early signs and symptoms of this disease.

  1. Unusual abdominal pain
    Since this is a liver disease, abdominal pain could be an early sign of contracting HCV. While abdominal pain could be caused due to other reasons too, liver pain can be serious as it may point to chronic liver disease or cancer. If you are feeling any abdominal pain, it is wise to get it diagnosed by a professional immediately. 
  1. Feeling full
    Hep C causes a buildup of excess fluid called ascites, making the abdomen look like a balloon and make you feel full. This is one of the early signs of Hep C; one should visit the doctor immediately. It also causes a change in appetite, so keeping an eye on any unusual appetite changes is also to be noted. 
  1. Loss of weight
    Cirrhosis is a condition caused by Hep C wherein it becomes difficult for the body to absorb or keep any nutrients intact. Frequent vomiting, digestion abnormalities, and secretion of hormones are some of its common symptoms. Due to this, you may start to lose weight without actually trying. 
  1. Itchy skin
    About 20% of those suffering from Hep C develop pruritus or commonly known as itchy skin. This is common for those who develop later-stage liver disease or even liver scarring. Some people may experience itching all over the body, so make sure to get a proper diagnosis by a health professional at the earliest. 
  1. Yellow eyes
    As the red blood cells get older in the body, they are broken down eventually. This releases bilirubin in the body. It is a yellow substance that gives a yellow tint to the skin and the eye, as noticed during jaundice. A healthy liver is responsible for excreting this buildup of bilirubin from the body, but with the contraction of HCV, this may not be possible. So, if you notice any yellow tint in the eyes or the skin that remains persistent, it is a cause of concern and will need a proper diagnosis. Also, look out for darker than normal colored urine and lighter stool. 
  1. Swollen legs
    Edema is a common side effect of Hep C. It is a condition where the body retains the fluids in the tissues of the legs, ankles, and feet. The legs may look dimpled, shiny, and puffed up. 

These are the signs and symptoms of Hep C. Early diagnosis is the only way to full recovery.

Dorothy Boyd

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