5 Essential Nutrients for Osteoporosis Patients – The Uplift News

5 Essential Nutrients for Osteoporosis Patients

Bones provide the body with the necessary structural integrity from head to toe. And without this skeletal structure, it would not be physically possible to do even the most basic tasks. This is why you must pay careful attention to the foods you eat, especially to reduce the risk of medical conditions like osteoporosis that severely affect bone health. So, pay close attention to these five nutritive elements in your diet to improve bone health. 

  1. Calcium
    Calcium is critical for bone health; you can meet your daily calcium requirements by either taking supplements in the form of tablets or by incorporating foods and beverages that are rich in the nutrient. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt pack a lot of calcium. Moreover, fish are mostly good sources of omega-3 fatty acids but some fish like sardines and salmon are also rich sources of calcium. In fresh vegetables, you can include more kale, broccoli, turnip, okra, and spinach among other types of dark leafy greens. 
  2. Vitamin D
    Children and adults alike who lack vitamin D in their daily food intake are more at risk of developing bone problems early on in life. Vitamin D helps the bones absorb calcium more efficiently, making it another essential nutrient that should form part of your osteoporosis friendly diet. For starters, dairy products fortified with vitamin D can be substituted for your regular full-fat milk and yogurt. Fatty fish like mackerel and tuna can also be included to naturally supplement the intake. Eggs, soy milk, tofu, orange juice, and certain types of breakfast cereals are also fortified with vitamin D. 
  3. Magnesium
    This essential nutrient helps supplement your daily calcium intake to support osteoporosis treatment and recovery. Magnesium reduces the risk of the disease to a great extent and helps maintain bone density. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, artichokes, plantains, spinach, and fish like halibut and mackerel are loaded with magnesium. 
  4. Potassium
    Increasing your intake of potassium also helps with bone density, especially among older women post menopause. Bananas, prunes, raisins, papaya, and even some tomato-based products can supplement daily potassium intake. It is advisable to consult with a nutritionist to understand the perfect balance of these minerals by planning the foods in advance.
  5. Vitamin K
    Just as vitamin D helps bones absorb the calcium more efficiently, vitamin K plays a crucial role in helping the calcium bind to your bones better for improved density and structure. And maintaining a balance of vitamins D and K from the foods you eat is important. So, check with a nutritionist first to understand the recommended intake in grams. Popular healthy and organic sources of vitamin K include dark greens and leafy vegetables like brussels sprouts, mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, spinach, and even kale. You can easily incorporate these veggies in your daily diet and maintain the nutritional value.

Dorothy Boyd

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